No, You Don’t Need To Disinfect Your Groceries. But Here’s How To Shop Safely

April 12, 2020   7:00 AM ET

Maria Godoy – Senior Editor, NPR Science Desk, and Host, The Salt

The vast majority of the country is under lockdown right now. But stay-at-home orders come with a few exceptions — like grocery shopping.

Many of us are still venturing out to stock up on food and toiletries. But what’s the safest way to shop during this pandemic? And what should you do once you’ve brought your haul home?

We asked infectious disease, virology and food safety experts to share their tips about safe grocery shopping — and what you can stop worrying about.

Know the dangers — focus on the people, not the food

Many people worry about the possibility of picking up the coronavirus from things like grocery store conveyor belts or cereal boxes. But every expert NPR spoke with agrees that the biggest risk when it comes to groceries is being inside the store itself with other people who may be infected.

“While it is possible to contract the virus [from contaminated surfaces], the majority of transmission is probably going to be from respiratory droplets, which you’re exposed to when you’re around other people,” says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

Avoid crowds and shop quickly

Donald Schaffner, a food microbiologist and distinguished professor at Rutgers University, advises that you look for a grocery store that limits the number of shoppers who are allowed to go in at one time. While that might lead to a long line outside, it’s also likely to make it easier to practice social distancing inside the store — staying at least 6 feet away from other people. And once you are in there, he says, focus on getting in and out as fast as possible to minimize your risk.

“Be as efficient as possible in the store,” Schaffner says. “Have a list. Move through the store quickly and efficiently. Get out of the way. Be respectful of other people. Maintain social distance while you’re in the store.”

Wear a face covering

Given the growing evidence that people can shed the virus before they are showing symptoms, they might not know they’re infected either. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that people wear cloth face coverings out in public, and some stores now require shoppers to wear them — not so much to protect you as to protect other people from you in case you are infected.

Go alone

Dr. David Aronoff, director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, says to go to the store alone if you can, because bringing the whole family shopping is just going to add to crowding in the aisles — and could potentially raise your household’s risk of infection too.

“If you have three people living together and all three people go to the store, even if all three people have a low risk of getting infected at an individual level, as a group they’ve tripled their risk, essentially,” says Aronoff, who recently wrote about safe food practices during this pandemic in the medical journal JAMA.

Sanitize carts and hands

Once you are in the store, make sure to sanitize the handles of your cart or basket. Many stores do this for customers now, but it doesn’t hurt to bring your own hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes if you have them. Be sure to avoid touching your face while you are there, until you can sanitize your hands again.

One other tip, from Rasmussen: Don’t use your cellphone while you’re in the store, because a “phone is a great way to get your hands right up next to your face.”

Skip the gloves

“Gloves are not magic,” Schaffner says. “Gloves don’t make you invulnerable. As soon as you touch something with your gloved hand, that contamination is on the gloves.”

Rasmussen agrees. “I’ve seen a lot of people wearing gloves out in public, and they just kind of wear them all day and do a lot of normal activities, like talk on their phone, potentially eat, potentially handle food that they’re going to eat later with those gloves on,” she says. “And that’s not great practice.”

She leaves the gloves at home and sanitizes or washes her hands instead — before entering the store, after leaving and again once she gets home.

Rachel Graham, a virologist who studies coronaviruses at the University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health, also skips the gloves. But if you do choose to wear them, she says be sure to remove them properly: “The best way to remove gloves that might be contaminated is to basically grab them from the inside on your palm side and pull them out like you’re pulling off a sock, so you end up turning them inside out.”

Give the cashier some space

While grocery shopping may stress you out, it’s the workers at the grocery store who are more at risk, because they interact with many customers daily. Protect them by making sure you stand 6 feet away, or as far as you can, while checking out.

As for whether to use self-checkout or a cashier, look for the option that allows you the most room to maintain social distance. It all depends on how the store is set up. Some checkout counters now have plexiglass between the cashier and the paying customer. In that situation, says Aronoff, going to a cashier is fine, especially if one or both of you is wearing a mask or face covering.

Choose no-touch payment when you can

If you’ve got a no-touch option like Apple Pay or Google Pay, use it. If that’s not an option, a credit card machine with a chip reader can be no-touch, notes Graham. She’s personally avoiding cash at the moment, because earlier research has found that cash currency can harbor lots of microorganisms.

However, Rasmussen notes that we don’t know how long this coronavirus survives on cash. And she says that if your credit card transaction requires you to touch a keypad, that’s a “high-touch surface” that could potentially harbor other pathogens, if not the coronavirus. That said, “I don’t want to encourage people to be extreme germophobes,” Rasmussen says.

Cash or credit, she says, just make sure to sanitize your hands (and your credit card) after the transaction.

Don’t drive yourself crazy disinfecting your groceries

Many shoppers are now following elaborate routines to disinfect their groceries, thanks to a viral video put out by a Michigan family doctor. But all of the experts we spoke with say that disinfecting and hand-washing every last item in your grocery haul is really not necessary. You might find it comforting to know that none of these experts are doing this themselves.

Rasmussen explains that the probability of getting infected from a contaminated surface is not zero, but it is fairly low. That’s because respiratory droplets would have to have landed on the exact spot on, say, a box of cereal that you are touching. And even then, you’d have to get enough residual virus on your hand to start an infection — and you’d have to transfer that virus to your face. Bottom line: If you follow good hand-hygiene practices — washing your hands after unpacking your groceries, before cooking and before eating — then, she says, your risk is probably “very, very low.”

As Aronoff notes, “Time is really on your side here.” That’s because as soon as the virus lands on a surface, it starts to lose infectiousness. “After 24 hours, the vast majority of virus is no longer infectious,” he says. And after 72 hours, it’s undetectable, research has found. So if you know that you’re not going to use a can of soup for two or three days, he says, just put it away, wash your hands and go about your day. And one more thing: Make sure to wipe down your countertops after you unpack.

If you’re still worried and it’s a food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated, Graham says just leave it out for 24 hours.

If you really want to wash your groceries, don’t use disinfecting spray or wipes

If it somehow lessens your anxiety to wipe down every last jar of jelly, there’s no harm in that, experts agree. But Graham warns that if you feel compelled to wipe, it might be wise to stick to soap and water. “A lot of the packaging that groceries come in is really not meant to be sprayed with disinfectant, and you [could] actually end up contaminating your food,” she says.

Schaffner adds that disinfecting sprays and wipes are meant to be used on hard surfaces, which would not include many of the kinds of plastics or cardboard used for food packaging.

Rinse fresh produce in plain water — and eat your veggies!

Some people are advocating washing produce in soap and water. But Schaffner says that’s a bad idea because it’s possible that if you ingest soap residue, it could lead to diarrhea or vomiting. He says the best thing is just to rinse your produce in cold water. If it’s an item with a tough skin, you can use a vegetable brush.

And Schaffner says, please don’t reduce your consumption of fresh fruit or vegetables. “There’s just no evidence that these foods can transmit the virus or can cause COVID-19,” he says. Plus, he says, produce offers valuable nutrients that are especially important in these stressful times.

Should you shower or change clothes after shopping? It depends

“I personally don’t like to do a full de-con [de-contamination] when I get home from the store,” Rasmussen says. “I wash my hands. I’m not routinely putting my face and mouth all over my clothing.”

But, she adds, “people with small children might consider otherwise, since kids — especially little kids — are maybe not so concerned about where they put their mouths or their hands.” She says it comes back to personal comfort. “If you feel more comfortable changing clothes and taking a shower after you come back from an essential errand, then by all means do so,” she says.

Graham adds that if you live with someone who is at high risk for severe disease with COVID-19, showering and changing might be a reasonable precaution to take.

Still anxious? Order online

One simple way to stop worrying about grocery shopping and to practice social distancing is online delivery. You can pay ahead of time online and have the groceries delivered outside your door with no face-to-face contact. Just remember, while you’re staying home safe, workers are putting themselves at risk to collect and deliver your food. So be sure to tip generously. As for what to do with unpacking those groceries, experts say the advice is the same as if you’d gone to the store yourself.

A word about frozen food

Some of you have asked if freezing food kills the virus. The answer is no. Refrigerating or freezing would actually help the virus survive longer — that’s why research labs freeze virus samples to preserve them, as Graham notes. But if you’re worried about handling a frozen dinner, just remember to wash your hands and throw away the packaging after you’ve removed the food, Rasmussen says.


Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were financially-smart kids. The secret to setting your kids up for a solid financial future is to start with the basics. Deeper than the value of a dollar, budgets and why it’s so important to save lies the very basic lesson of: wants and needs are not the same thing.

While the difference between wants and needs may feel straight forward to grownups, the concept can be complex to kids. Breaking down needs, wants, the fine line between the two and how to make trade-off decisions is critical for instilling money management and financial planning skills.


Needs are essentials. When teaching your kids how to determine what a need is, it’s important to highlight what is a true necessity and what is a needy request —it’s all about perspective. Here are the categories we consider bare necessities:

  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Water

We find that getting as specific as possible when explaining necessities helps kids master the concept and begin to apply it in real-life trade-off decisions.


If you’re a parent, you’re probably used to hearing the rally cry “I want _____” from your kids. Wants can be described as the things your kids may circle in a magazine or put on an Amazon wish list for the holiday season.

Wants are often inspired by peers, pop culture and hobbies. Here are some hopeful requests made by Greenlight kids. We’ll wait while you have a giggle or two.

When raising financially-smart kids, it’s important for parents to let their kids know that wants are a part of life but making smart choices around those wants will set them up for success.


No lesson in needs and wants with a child is going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy, so it’s important to get specific for clarity’s sake when dealing with such an abstract conversation.

Is ice cream a food? Yes, but ice cream is certainly not a necessity. Are Yeezy’s shoes? Yes, but $300 for a pair of shoes is not necessary or a requirement.

It’s important for parents to let their kids know that it’s okay to want certain things. But making smart choices around those wants will set them up for success. In general, having a discussion around “wanting” things in life can be a powerful and inspirational discussion. You can want to make the soccer team. Want to be president. Want to have a family when you grow up. It is wants and dreams that put humans on the moon and brought us Beyonce. But when it comes to finances – you can’t always get what you want.

Being able to tackle these types of questions head-first will help kids understand the true meaning of a necessity instead of something they very much want, crave or think they need to meet the status quo.

One way to help kids fully understands wants and needs would be to have them write a list of what they think are needs and what they think are wants. From there, break down needs — if they are a true necessity or not — and tackle what goes into getting a want (such as saving for that pair of Yeezy’s or picking up extra babysitting opportunities to help pay for the spring break trip to New York City). To take it a step further, discuss a budget of $1,000 with your child and include a mix of needs (rent/groceries/phone or car payment) and wants (a new iPhone/concert tickets/new shoes) to showcase that all needs must be met before money goes to wants.


Wants and needs make a perfect opportunity to teach the importance of saving money to reach a goal. Want a new pair of jeans? Save for it. Have $100 extra each month after covering necessities? Add extra money to your savings goal to buy a new MacBook. These wants can act as perfect motivators to increase saving.

Setting up clear savings goals with Greenlight will not only teach kids how to set a savings goal and budget to meet their desired goal, but it will motivate them to save more in the long run. We’ll be talking more about saving in November, so stay tuned for tips from Greenlight families on how to have the right money talks.


Set up a Greenlight savings goal today!

Your phone screen is covered with germs. Here’s how to clean it

I’ll also tell you what not to do when cleaning your iPhone or Android screen to avoid damaging it.

Make sure you’re cleaning your phone the right way.

Your hands touch everything, from shopping carts to public door handles — which could be harboring viruses and bacteria. And without thinking, you touch your phone’s screen right after. Not to mention, your fingers leave an oily residue on your phone, causing the screen to get smudgy. Fortunately, there are several techniques to get your phone’s screen clean again — and the best approach will only cost you a few bucks.

On the flip side, there are the cleaning agents and techniques that you never want to use, because — although you might initially see good results — they can be too harsh and damage the screen you’re working so hard to protect.

I’m going to tell you which products to avoid, and the best ways to clean off fingerprint smudges, sand and lint from the ports, tenacious makeup off the screen (hint: never with makeup remover) and even how to disinfect your phone. I’ll also tell you how to care for phones rated for water-resistance.

Note that while keeping your phone screen clean goes a long way, remembering to wash your hands is also an important step to keeping your phone clean.

9 things you should never use to clean your phone

I’m not here to shame you, but drop that bottle of Windex, stat. This is how not to clean your screen.

Window cleaner

You clean your mirrors and windows with window cleaner, and they’re squeaky clean, so it must be OK to use on your phone? Wrong! Some newer phones, such as the iPhone XR ($749 at Amazon), have a protective coating that resists water and oil, which can wear out over time. Using harsh cleaners can strip the coating and could leave your phone more vulnerable to scratches.

Kitchen cleaners

A screen’s scratch-resistant properties won’t get ground down by cleaning agents, but stripping that protective coating is still a problem. That’s why Apple also suggests not using household cleaning products to clean your iPhone. Bar Keepers Friend, for example, states that its abrasive formula may harm the protective layerBon Ami states not to use on glass with coatings.

Drop the window cleaner and counter spray, now.

Paper towels

They may be the go-to for cleaning your desk, but keep them away from your phone. The paper can shred, making the debris on your phone much worse. Paper towels can even end up leaving scratches on your screen.

Rubbing alcohol

Since many newer phones have a protective coating, rubbing alcohol can wear it away quicker over time, causing your phone to be more prone to scratches. Make sure to check for alcohol in product ingredients on any “safe to use” phone screen cleaners. Apple says to avoid alcohol when cleaning its devices.

Makeup remover

Some makeup removers may have chemicals that can be harsh to an electronic screen. LeBeau suggests avoiding makeup remover and instead use a soft cloth with a little bit of water.

Compressed air

Your phone is delicate, so blowing an intense amount of air into its portals can cause some damage, specifically to your mic. Tech companies, like Apple, specifically warn not to use compressed air.

Dish soap and hand soap

While your dish and hand soaps may be gentle, the only way to use them is to combine them with water. Most phone companies suggest to keep water away from your phone, so again, stick to a damp cloth.


This is a no-no. Vinegar will strip the screen’s coating. You could, as Lifehacker suggests, use very diluted vinegar to cleanse other parts of your phone. Android Central suggests a 50/50 mix with distilled water for cleaning the sides and back.

Disinfectant wipes

The warning label on these reminds you to wash your hands after each use, so using them to clean something that touches your face often isn’t a great idea. According to MIT’s LeBeau, these wipes typically contain alcohol that will strip off the oleophobic (oil-repellant) and hydrophobic (water-repellent) coatings.

How to clean fingerprint smudges from your screen

Fingerprint smudges are hard to prevent because your skin constantly produces oils. That means that every time you pick up your phone, it’s bound to get fingerprints all over it.

Remove your fingerprint smudges and other muck with these cleaning tips.

The safest and most effective way to clean your screen is with a microfiber cloth. If the screen is in desperate need of cleaning, use distilled water to dampen the microfiber cloth and then wipe down your screen — avoid squirting the water directly on the screen. This method can be used on the back and sides of your phone, too.

You can also try a microfiber screen cleaner sticker, which you stick to the back of your phone and can pop off when you need to give it a wipe-down.

Check out Samsung’s tips on cleaning your phone, too.


Remove sand and lint with this trick

Lint and sand can get stuck in the small ports of your phone and in the crevices where the screen meets the body.

The best solution for removing sand and lint is Scotch tape. You can lay it along the creases and speaker, and roll it up and gently place it in the ports. The tape’s stickiness will pull out any lint or sand that may be stuck in your phone.

For the smaller speaker holes that tape can’t reach, use a toothpick or try to vacuum the debris out with a small crevice tool. These tools can also be used for other small appliances or hard-to-reach areas in your car.


Disinfect your phone

If you touch your phone after handling raw meat or a public door handle, you may immediately think to clean it with alcohol, but as mentioned above, don’t. It can strip the oleophobic and hydrophobic coatings. Other sites suggest using a mix of alcohol and water, but they have warning notes, so we suggest staying away from that to be on the safe side.

Alcohol and detergent can damage your screen because they’re so caustic. Instead, use the (say it with me now) damp microfiber cloth, or invest in a UV light, like PhoneSoap. This UV light company claims to kill 99.99% of germs and banishes bacteria.

Remove makeup safely

When you have a full face of makeup and need to make a call, guess what that foundation is about to stick to? That’s right, your phone screen. And while you may use makeup remover to take off your makeup every night, you shouldn’t use it as a screen cleaner due to some chemicals that could be lurking in the ingredients. explains the chemicals that could be in your makeup remover.

Instead, you could get your phone its own makeup remover, like Whoosh. The company claims it’s safe for all screens and contains no alcohol, chlorine, ammonia or phosphates that could damage the various screen coatings.



You can also use a damp microfiber cloth to clean it — and then throw that cloth in the wash. Make sure you use a spray bottle to spritz the cloth, rather than running it under water. The less water, the better.


Can you wash waterproof phones?

If you have a water-resistant phone, rated for IP67 and above, you can rinse it with water. Although these phones, like the iPhone 7 ($550 at Boost Mobile) and newer and the Galaxy S phones, can withstand submersion for up to 30 minutes in up to 3 feet of water, it’s a much better idea to use a damp or wet cloth to clean your phone. Then dry your phone with a dry, soft cloth to remove the water. Make sure to pat dry all speakers and ports.

Dunking the phone in water or running it under a faucet will get water into the ports, which means you won’t be able to charge it until they’re dry, and that can take time. Remember that having a water-resistant phone is more about peace of mind than it is about purposely taking your phone for a swim.

Now that your phone is clean, you’ll want to move on to other things that you own. Here’s how to prevent mold from growing in your washer and how to kill it if you have it. Also, you’ll want to check out this science hack for degunking your shower head in one hour.




Greenlight is all about helping parents raise financially-smart kids, which starts with providing children with opportunities to make smart decisions about their money. The child version of the Greenlight app helps introduce those opportunities and sparks natural conversations between parents and kids.


With the trend toward more digital purchases, kids no longer see their wallet getting smaller as they spend cash. Greenlight gives your kids the ability to check and manage their balances to make sure they’re within budget.


Kids can send requests, also known as Greenlights, when they want to make purchases outside of their Spend Anywhere account or any of the Greenlights you currently have set up.

Child sending spend request for parent to approve

For kids, this gives them a path to request money if they’re in a pickle. And for parents, this gives you the ability to safely distribute funds for purchases you’re comfortable with.


Saving for short and long-term goals can be challenging, especially when the satisfaction of taking a full piggy bank to the local teller is a figment of banking past.

With the Greenlight app, kids can see how they’re progressing toward saving goals line-by-line. They can watch that money grow as you add Parent-Paid Interest and see balances update in near real-time. Bet your old piggy bank couldn’t do that. 🐷

Child viewing save history with Greenlight app.

Greenlight kids save 3x more than the national average. It’s never too late to kick off conversations, and present kids with real world scenarios to encourage saving.


steps for setting up Greenlight app for kids
From your child’s profile within the Greenlight app, click into the child’s settings. Select Enable App Usage and create a username and password. And off they go.

Bose QC35 II Vs QC35 – Noise Canceling Headphones Comparison

I’ve cover the main differences between the Bose QC35 vs QC35 II…



MORE AFFORDABLE Bose QC35               

Bose QC35 II

Bose QC35 II Active Noise Canceling Wireless Headphones

Both the Bose QC35 and QC35 IIs are awesome bluetooth headphones – no doubt about it. I use the QC35s around the office and they sound fantastic. I will go over the main advantages the QC35 IIs have over the QC35s but first lets talk about the similarities between the two. Both headphones are made of the same material, they both have a comfortable fit and identical controls.

bose qc35 noise cancelling headphones reviewBose QC35

Other similarities include:

– 20 hour battery life
– Active noise cancellation
– Wired connectivity
– Phone call functionality
– Great audio quality
– Same design & colors

Honestly, not much has changed between these headphones. The Bose QC35 IIs only have two advantages over the QC35s.

Dedicated Google Assistant Button on the QC35 II

The main advantage the QC35 IIs have over the QC35s is the new Google Assistant Action Button that works on Android 7.0 or newer. You press and hold the button and it activates Google Assistant where you are now able to check calendar events, send messages, interact with your notifications, control music playback and more. The idea is that now you can access Google Assistant more efficiently with a press of a button, while your smartphone is in your pocket.

RELATED: Shop Bose Products on Amazon

What’s more, Google Assistant is compatible with iPhones. Just download the Google Assistant app from iTunes and follow the on screen instructions to set it up. They pretty much do the same thing.

Control Active Noise Cancellation from Your Headphones

When the QC35s first came out, there was no way to adjust the ANC options when you were in wireless mode. They eventually came out with a firmware update so you could turn ANC off but you had to manually do it through the Bose Connect app. Now with the QC35 IIs, you can control the ANC levels with a press of the Action Button and cycle between high, low and off.

The new Google Assistant Action Button

Ultimately, you get the QC35 IIs if the Action Button feature is a necessity to your lifestyle but other than that, they are exactly the same as the original QC35s. We find it hard to justify paying MSRP of $350 for this feature alone. Also, if you already have the QC35s, it isn’t enough of a difference to upgrade.


Bose QC35

Bose QC35 Price Reduction

Really, the big advantage the original QC35s have now is price. As with pretty much all consumer products, once the new version is released, the older generation starts being discounted. We’ve seen the QC35s as low as $300 before [check current price on Amazon].

They look exactly the same as the QC35 IIs.

At the end of the day, the QC35s are the better option – save your money. I think these headphones are more than enough, especially with the recent price reductions.

5G phones are on the way: Here’s every phone that will support 5G

Want faster internet on the go? These companies will soon have 5G-ready phones

Who doesn’t want faster access to the internet when out and about? The next generation of mobile internet, 5G — short for “fifth generation” — is on the way, and it’s bringing exceptional data download and upload speeds with it.

But there’s still a way to go until 5G is as ubiquitous as the widely available 4G, and I’m still taking our first baby steps into a faster future. Whether you think we need 5G or not, we’re going to see more and more manufacturers start picking up the new standard — and I expect to see the first commercially available 5G phones in 2019. Here is every phone that supports 5G, and a whole bunch of rumors about some that might.


There is absolutely no doubt Apple will pick up 5G eventually, the only question is “when?” At the moment, the whispers indicate that the iPhone giant won’t be looking to release a 5G iPhone until 2020 — so expect 5G capabilities on the iPhone XIS, or whatever numerically nightmarish name Apple adopts.

This is no surprise, really. Apple can be slow to adopt new technology, just look at how long it took for it to adopt wireless charging and water-resistance. That’s not because Apple is lazy — far from it. Instead, Apple will likely only include the standard once it’s sure it works well and is not a waste of time. Being in a dominant market position, Apple can afford to wait.

Apple phones rumored to support 5G

  • iPhone 2020


There haven’t been any rumors from Google about a 5G update for the Pixel range but it’s early days yet. The Pixel 3 has only just come out and if Google sticks to its usual schedule, we won’t be seeing the Pixel 4 until October 2019.

However, that Pixel 4 range would likely include the upcoming Snapdragon 855, a chip widely suspected to support 5G connections. If that’s true, it’s highly probable that 2019’s Pixel 4 range will support 5G. We’ll keep this updated as more details emerge.


Like a few other manufacturers, there has been no word on when Nokia handsets will support 5G. However, Nokia has been very active in helping to build up 5G infrastructure and is involved with the city of Tokyo to provide 5G networks in time for the 2020 Olympics. In July 2018, T-Mobile also announced it was working with Nokia to help build a U.S. 5G network. It could also make $3.50 for every single 5G phone released, thanks to its work on the standard.

While HMD Global, the manufacturer of Nokia branded phones, hasn’t yet let rumors slip that it’s working on a 5G phone, we can’t imagine it will be too long before we hear about one.


While Honor will likely be working closely with sister company Huawei, that hasn’t halted its ambition to beat its bigger sibling to the finish line in launching a phone with 5G support. While Honor was originally intending to be the first phone company to release a full 5G phone, its pushed its schedule back to the second half of 2019.

At the moment, it’s likely any 5G phone will be a flagship-level device. We’ll keep you updated as news rolls in.

Honor phones rumored to support 5G

  • Unnamed Honor phone


There’s been little on HTC’s 5G plans, but the latest rumors say we’ll be seeing a 5G HTC smartphone in the second half of 2019 at the earliest. We’ve no idea which phone this would be, though the HTC U13 would be the obvious pick.

But it’ll likely work well, despite being one of the later phones to market. HTC was confirmed to be one of the companies working with Qualcomm to bring 5G support to 2019 handsets, and you can expect HTC to implement the tech well.


Huawei has made no bones about its ambitions for 5G, and first spoke about a handset with 5G support in February 2018. Back then, 2019 was the target date for release, and it seems Huawei is still pushing that deadline.

Many early rumors pointed to Huawei’s folding smartphone as being the first hotbed for Huawei’s 5G ambitions, and Huawei has stoked those fires further. If it turns out to be true, a foldable 5G phone would be a double-whammy of technological goodness indeed. Otherwise, the Huawei P30 Pro would be another obvious choice for the tech, but that is just speculation at this stage.

Huawei phones rumored to support 5G

  • Huawei folding smartphone


LG is another of Qualcomm’s confirmed 5G partners but the South Korean veteran has been busy outside of that partnership. LG is also shooting for the goal of getting the first 5G phone on the market and teamed up with Sprint to deliver a 5G device for release in early 2019. This phone is separate to the LG G8 ThinQ, and seems to be the rumored LG V50 ThinQ 5G.

LG phones rumored to support 5G

  • LG V50 ThinQ 5G


Motorola is in something of a unique position on this list because it has technically already released a phone with 5G capabilities. The Moto Z3 uses Motorola’s Moto Mod attachment to add a 5G power pack accessory onto the back of the phone, making it possible to access 5G networks. At least, it will when the accessory becomes available in early 2019 and even then, it’ll only be available to Verizon customers. So while Motorola technically has a 5G phone already, most people aren’t really counting it as the first 5G phone released. That accolade is being saved for the company that releases a phone with built-in 5G support.

But it does mean Motorola has shown its hand in terms of 5G, and we can definitely expect to see even more 5G connectivity hitting Motorola phones in 2019. We will update you when we have a better idea which phones will contain it.

Motorola phones that support 5G

  • Moto Z3 (with Moto Mod)


OnePlus is another manufacturer that has committed to a 5G-capable smartphone in 2019 but that statement may not be all it seems, according to some rumors.

At the Shanghai Mobile World Congress in June 2018, OnePlus CEO and founder Pete Lau confirmed OnePlus plans to release a 5G-ready smartphone in early 2019. However, a new report alleges OnePlus will be seeking to introduce a new range for 5G support, essentially meaning the OnePlus 7 or 7T would be unlikely to have 5G capabilities.

The logic is clear: 5G tech is likely to be expensive and may push the OnePlus 7 out of OnePlus’s usual midrange pricing, making it a huge departure for the company. Therefore, a new model might be introduced to sidestep this issue. However, OnePlus hasn’t shied away from introducing cool new tech in its flagship line so far — the OnePlus 6T debuted an in-display fingerprint scanner, so it wouldn’t be a total shock for OnePlus to slip 5G connectivity into the OnePlus 7. We’ll be keeping an eye on this for sure.

OnePlus phones rumored to support 5G

  • Unnamed 2019 OnePlus phone


Oppo recently made waves by claiming an Oppo phone was the first to access a 5G network. According to a claim made by Oppo Global Vice President Brian Shen, the connection was made on a pre-commercially available Oppo R15. Even more recently, Oppo claims to have held a WeChat video call using 5G.

If these claims are true, then it seems Oppo could end up climbing the winner’s pedestal for the first real 5G-enabled phone. But the proof will be in the pudding on release.

Oppo phones rumored to support 5G

  • Oppo R15


Samsung is the largest mobile manufacturer in the world, and it would be silly to expect it to sit back and ignore the 5G bandwagon. Samsung already announced it would create a 5G handset for Verizon, and one for AT&T. These will likely be the same 5G model of the Samsung Galaxy S10 — rumored to be called the Samsung Galaxy S10 X — that’s widely expected to support 5G. Interestingly, Samsung may launch a second 5G phone with AT&T later in 2019 too, and this phone will supposedly support the sub-6-GHz spectrum which will lead to broader 5G coverage.

Earlier this year, Samsung’s CEO Dong-Jin Koh confirmed in a press event in South Korea that the S10 won’t be Samsung’s first 5G device. That may mean carrier-branded handsets may come first, or it may be planning to wow us with a completely different smartphone. With Samsung’s new focus on its midrange phones, could one of them be thrust into the spotlight? Or perhaps it will be Samsung’s folding phone? We’ll have to wait and see.

Samsung phones rumored to support 5G

  • Samsung Galaxy S10 X
  • Later 2019 Samsung 5G smartphone for AT&T
  • Potential non-S10 5G phone


There has been next to nothing on the 5G front from Sony, so we have no idea when a 5G Xperia smartphone might be released. However, Sony is on Qualcomm’s list of 5G partners, so you might see one in 2019.


Chinese juggernaut Xiaomi has laid its cards on the table, announcing a 5G-capable model of its Mi Mix 3 will be available. However, despite trumpeting it on Twitter, this model will not be available until later in 2019. Will it be out early enough to be the first? There has been no indication it will be — but at least we know exactly what Xiaomi is offering.

Xiaomi phones that support 5G

  • Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 (5G model)


ZTE is named as another of Qualcomm’s 5G partners and originally planned to release a 5G smartphone in early 2019. Unfortunately, ZTE has had to delay its first 5G phoneuntil later this year for an unknown reason. So while ZTE is still on the 5G wagon, don’t expect it to be the first to market.

Best Smartwatches 2018 – Buyer’s Guide

smartwatch designAlthough smartwatches have existed for a long, long time, their foray into the mainstream is only recent. With companies like Samsung, Apple, Asus, Huawei, and several others are working day and night to improve the watches, and truly make the experience a lot better.

Amidst all this, there lies the consumer mindset that still believes that the traditional, analog watches are way, way better as they are crafted with great precision, as well as perfection. This has led to numerous debates how smartwatches shouldn’t exist, or are considered bane of the wrist watch concept.

Still, for people who actually prefer their watches display all the necessary information that comes to their phone, all tied into one ecosystem actually consider smartwatches to be very useful, and following that into the market, the smartwatch industry at this point is creating a separate entity for itself.

Best Smartwatches 2018

This has allowed the manufacturers to push better and better smartwatches into the market, allowing their consumers to have a sense of choice when it comes to finding the right product that caters to all their needs from a wearable device.

Smartwatch Name Weight (oz) Operating System
S928 Sports Watch 1.94 Android 4.3+ / iOS 8.0+
Pebble Time Smartwatch 1.58 Android 4.3+ / iOS 6.0+
Samsung Gear S3 2.22 Android 4.4+ / iOS 10+
Motorola Moto 360 Sport 1.90 Android 4.3+ / iOS 8.2+
Xiaomi Amazfit 1.89 Android 4.4+ / iOS 9.0+
Huawei Watch 2 2.01 Android 4.4+ / iOS 9.0+
ASUS ZenWatch 3 1.69 Android 4.3+ / iOS 8.4+
Apple Watch Series 3 0.98 to 1.62 iOS 11+
Garmin Fenix 3 2.46 Android 4.3+ / iOS 7.0+
KingWear KW88 2.29 Android 5.1+

Features such as heart rate monitors, and plethora of other sensors have made their way into the smartwatches, allowing them to truly transform the wearable experience into something better, and versatile at the same time.

Since the market at this point is filled with smartwatches of all sorts, we took it on ourselves to take a look at the finest smartwatches you can buy, but first, we are going to be looking at some of the important information about the smartwatches.

S928 Sports Watch – Affordable

smartwatch S928
If you are looking for a great smartwatch that does not cost a lot of money, the S928 Sports Watch might be a great option. It is one of the cheapest smartwatch on my list, and while I am normally adamant when it comes to testing such items, it intrigued me to the core.

The watch is designed rather simply, and instead of having a fancy display or high resolution, it uses a simple, monochromatic display. Honestly, I do not mind that at all, smartwatches are all about being simplistic in my opinion, and the S928 Sports Watch does a great job at that.

Where it lacks a display, the S928 Sports Watch makes up by providing some of the best features that you can want in a smartwatch. In order to make things easier for the reader, I am listing down the features below.

  • Heart Rate Monitor: The watch comes with a heart rate monitor that is able to provide real time heart rate updates.
  • GPS: The S928 Sports Watch also come with a built in 3D accelerometer + gyroscope3D, allowing the users to be able to track every move they make throughout their workout regime.
  • Outdoor Data: The watch is also capable of keeping a record of the outdoor data, meaning that you get real time updates on how the weather condition is outside. Allowing you to be able to plan your workout carefully.

These are some of the basic or advanced features that are in the watch. While they may not look enough, it is important to know that these features work throughout the entire ecosystem of the watch, allowing these sensors to take full control of the situation.

The smartwatch can be controlled through an app that is available on both iOS and Android. Honestly, the app is as basic as it can get, and can use a bit more polish. There are a few more things that I did not understand about the watch; you cannot change the time format to 12 hours if you want to.

In addition to that, the watch itself only supports English as a language, while the app itself has 12 languages in total. This inconsistency can be an issue for people who don’t have English as their primary language, and even though 12 languages are nice to have, they are just enough.

The good thing here is that the app is being constantly updated by the developer, so I can assume that additional languages will be added sometime in the future. Same goes for the watch as the firmware can be updated when released.

All in all, the S928 is a decent smartwatch for Android, it is inexpensive, works as it is supposed to, and does not come with unnecessary features that can drain the battery. I would say that this smartwatch comes with the bare essentials, and definitely has a market amongst the giants.

Sure, the lack of advanced features, and languages is alarming, but you also need to take price into consideration when you are reviewing a product.

  • Simple and likable design
  • Good looks and build quality
  • Plethora of sensors
  • Works with Android
  • Severe lack of extra features
  • App is not as polished
  • Only supports English language

Pebble Time Smartwatch –
Cheap and Simple

smartwatch Pebble Time
While several companies are trying to create a breakthrough in the smartwatch market, Pebble is keeping things nice and simple for people like me who prefer simplicity over anything else. I say hello to the Pebble Time Smartwatch, a very simple, and probably amongst the cheapest smartwatches in this list.

Opening the box surprised me through and through, the watch was simply put in the box, and looked very minimal. It comes in a rubber band strap, or a steel strap for those who want to have a choice. The watch I have comes with the steel strap, and I must say, it looks premium for the price.

The Pebble Time Smartwatch has an always-on reflective color display that looks good enough, but is on the dimmer side when you are looking at it under direct sunlight. It also comes with water resistance, allowing you to wear the watch even in the showers or in the rain.

I am pleased to say that the watch also happens to have a pretty decent battery time, it lasted me 4 days. However, I have to point the fact out that the use was not constant since I charged the watch in between the days but never charged it to the full. Still, it goes without saying that the battery timing is good.

The watch also has on board storage that can hold slew of your favorite apps that are compatible with the watch’s OS. While I do not mind a watch without inbuilt storage, having this feature is a good thing. Obviously, with all the storage, you can store whatever you want on the watch, and load it with apps.

Another interesting thing I like about this watch is the fact that it can support watch faces that are built for both Android and iOS. Meaning that you will never run out of these faces when it comes to customizing your watch the way you prefer. Majority of the supported apps are also free.

There are some things that I do not like about the Pebble Time though; the fitness trackers are there along with all the sensors; the apps they use look very unpolished. The display is also a bit dim in broad day light, and gets hard to read.

Another concern that I have to raise is that despite the fact that there are countless watch faces and apps, the quality is a mix. You can find some really amazing apps and watch faces right next to some really bad ones, and sometimes a lot of bad ones at the same time.

Lastly, my biggest issue with the smartwatch is related to the fact that there is no touchscreen on it. This makes the navigation a bit difficult for me, especially when I just want to get things done.

In conclusion, the Pebble Time smartwatch is a great option for people who are looking for the best smartwatch under $100. It’s inexpensive, looks simple, has a lot of features, and a long battery life. Some minor inconveniences cannot hold a candle against the watch.

  • Simple, understated design
  • Plenty of apps and watch faces
  • Watch faces from Android and iOS work
  • Good battery life
  • Water resistant
  • The display is dim to read under direct light
  • Not all watch faces and apps are as good
  • The fitness apps are not polished enough
  • There is no touch screen

Samsung Gear S3 – Modern with Lots of Features

smartwatch gear s3
For years Samsung’s Gear series of smartwatches have been dominating the market for all the right reasons. This is what happens when you take clever marketing and amazing products in order to combine them together. The Gear S3 is definitely one of my favorite smartwatches.

Right out of the box, you can tell that the S3 is a top smartwatch; released earlier this year, the S3 focuses on everything that was right in the previous versions, and adds even more features than before. Sure, I know it costs comparatively higher than some of the other options on the list, but it is okay.

Starting off, the build quality is extremely pleasing, with premium quality materials used throughout the construction. The watch definitely feels like a fashion statement as much as it feels like a premium smartwatch.

Unlike some of the other smartwatches in the market, the Gear S3 does not run on Android Wear, instead, it runs on Samsung’s own OS called Tizen. Before my review, I had my doubts about this OS as it is still something new, and unknown to me.

Luckily, upon using the watch for a week, I can say that the OS is promising, however, the severe lack of apps may keep some users at bay. Samsung recently pushed an updated to this watch, allowing you to save offline Spotify playlists onto the 4GB of storage.

This feature makes my life easy because I no longer have to rely on my data connection to listen to the music whenever I am outside. The Gear S3 has an animated always-on display, and unlike some of the other watches I use on a standard basis, this is one gorgeous display, courtesy of Samsung.

Another great thing that I like about the Gear S3 is the fact that it comes loaded with activity trackers of all sorts, and while several people might feel skeptical about it, especially when you think about the amount of permissions it requires. It actually is not that big of an issue to be honest.

The Gear S3 also offers a great, intuitive interface that is among the best I have seen in any smartwatch. All of these good features combine and make this a top smartwatch. However, I do have some concerns that are necessary to be list out.

For starters, the watch looks big on your wrist; now that is something that completely depends on how your wrists are. This is a subjective issue by all means, but I still believe it is important to point it out. Another thing that was a disappointment was the sheer lack of proper apps.

That is mainly due to the fact that Tizen is still a smartwatch OS that is developing, and becoming better. If you are okay with these minor inconveniences, then I can tell you that the Samsung Gear S3 is definitely one of the best smartwatches 2017.

  • Excellent build quality
  • Beautiful display
  • Loaded with features
  • Array of sensors and trackers
  • Not enough apps
  • Might be too big for some users

Motorola Moto 360 Sport –
Good for Sport

smartwatch moto 360 sport
To this very day, the original Moto 360 remains among the list of my favorite smartwatches, the understated and minimalist design is something to die for. After several years, I am looking at the Motorola Moto 360 Sport. A newly released version that is more suitable for sporty users.

I am glad to see that Motorola is still following the design language of the original Moto 360 with some minor tweaks here and there. This was one of my biggest concerns when Lenovo acquired Motorola a few years ago, but after seeing the Moto 360 Sport, it is no longer there.

The 360 Sport drifts away, and does not present itself as something fancy, and while it is built for people who prefer to remain active, and enjoy sports a lot. There is nothing that will stop an average consumer from using this.

I do not play much sports, and despite that, the watch welcomes me with good amount of features. The design is still understated, and looks good. However, I cannot bring myself to understand the presence of that small chin that still resides on the watch face.

It is something that has always bothered me, and even though it is no longer as prominent as it used to be, I can’t help but wonder the reason for it. Now my favorite thing about the Moto 360 Sport is obviously the screen, and not just the screen itself, the tech that goes into it is amazing.

Now the reason I am praising the screen so much is because while the screen may look the same to everyone, it uses a clever tech that Motorola is calling AnyLight display. When the user is looking at the watch under the normal light, and actively using the watch, it looks your standard LCD screen.

However, as soon as the watch goes idle, or there is direct light on the watch faces, the screen turns itself into a trans reflective display. A display that I have seen on the Pebble Time watches. This feature is to make sure that the battery life gets preserved, and the user is able to read the time and date with ease.

Speaking of battery life, it saddens me to say that it is not as good as I had expected. Sure, smartwatches use smaller batteries as compared to our other devices, but they are supposed to be efficient enough to power the watch throughout multiple days.

Sadly, such is not the case with the Motorola Moto 360 Sport; on a full charge, the Moto 360 Sport lasts a full day or slightly higher if you refrain from using it that often. It is not terrible for a lot of people because they put their devices on charge before sleeping, but not the best either.

Another thing that I should point out is that despite being a watch that is built for active users, there is no way you can do multi-sport tracking on the watch. Something that is strange for a watch that is centered around sports. Last but not the least, the heart rate sensor is somewhat unreliable.

If these issues do not bother you, and you are still looking for something that is minimal, does not cost much, and gets the job done, then the Motorola Moto 360 is one of the best smartwatches that you can buy. Sure, the issues are there, but for many people, they are just subjective.

  • Simple, practical design
  • Screen tech is one of the best
  • Comfortable and easy to wear
  • Battery life is disappointing
  • Heart rate monitor is not reliable
  • Does not have multi-sport tracking

Xiaomi Amazfit – Budget-Friendly with Great Battery Life

smartwatch Xiami Amazfit
Xiaomi has been one of the best companies out in the market releasing some fantastic budget friendly products. Their smartphones, as well as other accessories have always been budget friendly. Today, I am looking at their take on a smartwatch. The Xiaomi Amazfit is here to see if it can find its place.

I love how Xiaomi designs their products, making them look and feel high end. For the most part, they do use high end components and materials. This removes any doubt as to whether or not the overall quality is good.

The Amazfit is carrying a nice design, and build quality as well. It is just the right amount of classy with flashy elements and I do not mind it at all. It uses the same trans reflective display that is becoming more and more common in the majority of smartwatches that come out.

The display is easy to rid, bright enough, and looks good. Another good thing about the Xiaomi Amazfit is the battery life. On a full charge, the battery can last anywhere from between 3-5 days. This is undoubtedly one of the best battery timings I have seen in a smartwatch.

The good thing about Xiaomi Amazfit is that it does not cost a lot of money, so anyone who is on a budget, and looking for a cheap smartwatch, this is definitely a good buy. With the Xiaomi Amazfit, you also get features such as Bluetooth, GPS, and a plethora of sensors, and fitness trackers.

On paper, the Amazfit does look like a complete package, and almost like the perfect smartwatch, however, there are some things that are just not good enough. To begin with, the firmware is somewhat cumbersome. Now this issue can be fixed with a firmware update, but for now, it has to be tolerated.

Another thing you need to know about the Amazfit is that the app that comes with it happens to be very basic, you only get the bare minimum, and that is about it. The fitness activities are also limited on the Amazfit, and last but not the least, it uses a charging dock that is proprietary.

These issues sure raise some concern, but the good thing is that they are not going to break your overall experience when it comes to the usability. There is no denying that the Xiaomi Amazfit is a wonderful smartwatch that is suitable for a lot of people.

It lacks the advanced feature and the companion app is not really that good, but these are issues that can be fixed down the road.

  • Stylish design
  • Great display
  • Amazing battery life
  • The firmware needs some fixing
  • The companion app does not have a lot of features
  • Limited fitness activities

Huawei Watch 2 – Lightweight
and Comfortable

smartwatch Huawei Watch 2
In my opinion, Huawei is one of the companies that tried to make the smartwatches relevant by perfectly mixing the design elements of traditional watches with the advanced features of smartwatches. The Huawei Watch 2 is a testament to what they have achieved.

The Huawei Watch 2 comes with Android Wear 2.0, the OS is a huge improvement over the original Android Wear, and definitely has a lot more features than the original did. I realize how it is important for all the watches to be comfortable and lightweight enough to wear, and the Huawei Watch 2 nails it.

The watch can be worn the entire day without feeling uneasy, or too much to handle. Considering how the watch comes at a higher cost as compared to the other watches, it is only fair that you get good amount of options. The Watch 2 does deliver on that front by providing several options to the user.

It has plenty of sports sensors, and other fitness sensors as well, and that is not all; the watch also has a feature known as the real-time workout guidance. This is amazing for everyone who is on the lazier side and want the watch’s guidance system to help them out here.

Thanks to a plethora of sensors that are in the watch, fitness and activity tacking is spot on, allowing you track almost anything there is to track. It also makes me happy to say that the watch can last up to 2 days on a single charge.

For those looking for more, I am happy to tell you that the Watch 2 also comes with Bluetooth and NFC. This makes the whole concept of Android Pay a lot easier, especially in countries where it is available. Having Android Pay up and running almost eliminates the purpose of carrying cash.

I’m very much happy with the Huawei Watch 2, there are some things that I wish were different, but it seems like it is going to change in the next Huawei Watch. For starters, the design is not the best quality of the watch. Sure, it is simple, and practical, but at the same time, it is also uninspiring.

The design issue also carries on to the fact that the Watch 2 has a small screen coupled with thicker bezels. It would not have been an issue if the screen size was a bit larger to properly adjust the bezels, but that is not the case.

In conclusion, the Huawei Watch 2 is an amazing smartwatch with some shortcomings, luckily, the shortcomings are not enough to push the customers away. This makes the Huawei Watch 2 one of the best smartwatches 2017, and definitely something you should check out.

  • Great battery life
  • Android Wear 2.0 is amazing
  • Watch is lightweight, and comfortable to wear
  • NFC for Android Pay
  • Watch also has Bluetooth
  • The display is amazing
  • Small screen
  • Large bezels

ASUS ZenWatch 3 – Great Build Quality

smartwatch ASUS ZenWatch 3
Asus may not be doing well in the smartphone industry, but the same can’t be said about how well they are doing with their series of smartwatches that they have been bringing out in the market for the past couple of years.

ZenWatch series is one of my favorite smartwatch series and for all the right reasons; it looks good, I trust Asus when it comes to the hardware, and it because it is one of the few smartwatches that are looking into the future rather than focusing on being simplistic.

The ZenWatch 3 is one of the few smartwatches in the market that come with a nearly bezel-less design. This goes to show how Asus is preparing for the future, and honesty, I love it. The watch has all the style elements you would want from a modern day smartwatch, and it is comfortable to wear.

It carries just the right amount of heft without overdoing anything. The display is one of the redeeming qualities of the watch as it happens to be big, bright, and beautiful, plus the scree is AMOLED, making it even better. These factors easily make the ZenWatch 3 a watch with one of the best displays on the market.

The ZenWatch 3 is also great when it comes to the overall construction and build quality. Asus tells me that the ZenWatch 3 uses 316L steel construction. Now these numbers may not be important to a lot of people, but this is jewelry grade steel I am talking about here.

The face of the watch is covered with 2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass, making it resistant to scratches as well as other scuff marks. Still, if you want more protection, they do sell some screen protectors that you can always opt for.

As far as the battery is concerned, the Asus ZenWatch 3 has what I would call a decent battery life. It is not going to last you multiple days with single charge, but during my testing, I was able to get at least 1.5 to 2 days at standard use. I think it is pretty good.

The ZenWatch 3 also comes with all the basic features like fitness trackers, and a plethora of sensors that you could ask for. However, I have to say that for a watch this good, I am disappointed about the lack of properly fleshed out fitness tracking.

Do not get me wrong, you can track fitness, it is just not as deep as some of the other watches that are in the market. This makes me wonder if Asus wanted this watch more approachable by the people who do not want the witness tracking, or have no concern with it.

Another thing I cannot understand is why Asus opted for a charging dock that just feels cheap to use. I mean, Asus is a company known for creating some of the best built products. Their computer division is the living proof of it.

It is only sad to see that they did not pay the same attention to detail to the accessories that come with the watch. Yes, the watch itself is extremely solid and sturdy, but I cannot say the same about the charging dock.

In conclusion, the Asus ZenWatch 3 is a bag of mixed things; there are some great thing about the watch like its premium screen, good battery timing, high end construction material, and a great design. However, at the same time, you do not have good fitness tracking options, and a charging dock that does not feel premium.

If you are okay with all of this, then buying the Asus ZenWatch 3 is a no brainer as it is easily one of the best smartwatches 2017.

  • Amazing construction
  • AMOLED screen is just too good
  • Lightweight and comfortable to wear
  • Decent battery life
  • Not enough fitness trackers
  • Charging dock feels cheap

Apple Watch Series 3 – Great for Fitness

smartwatch Apple Watch 3
Although Apple did not invent the smartwatch, there is no denying that the company’s dedication, and participation in bringing the smartwatch to the mainstream market can just be overlooked. I have used almost all the Apple products that have come out during my life.

One thing I can say for sure is that their consistency is something that not many can rival. The Apple Watch serves as a statement that tells us that Apple is aware of what it is doing. In my opinion, the Series 3 watch does not need an introduction.

A step up from the older generation of Apple Watch, this smartwatch is making things better than they were. You still get the similar unboxing experience, and even the watch does not look a lot different as compared to the first version, but it is important to note that all the under the hood changes are there.

As soon as I turned on the Watch, the gorgeous OLED display blew me away. It is bright, and it is beautiful. Whether or not you believe it, but the display on this watch has 1,000 nits of brightness. This is an insane amount of brightness for a smart watch, but I’m in love with the display.

Luckily, the display is not the only good thing about the watch. When it comes to fitness tracking, this may be the most fleshed out smartwatch in the market. There are just so many fitness tracking features and sensors available that you will never run out of any of them.

Not just that, even the fitness tracking apps are so good, that you just cannot help but appreciate the work Apple has put in the watch OS4. The watch also comes with GPS, making it all the more versatile, and allowing you to easily track your activities without any issues whatsoever.

Battery life is officially same as in the Series 2 – 18 hours. I think this is pretty conservative – during my normal usage, I get around 2-3 days of battery life on a single full charge. Sure, the mileage will definitely vary for different users, but for me, it works really, really well.

Apple is a company that focuses largely on the performance, even their old devices are still relevant mainly because of their performance. The performance on the Apple Series 3 Watch is so good; it is quick, fast, and extremely snappy. Allowing users to easily navigate through the menus.

The watch is available in quite a few models, depending on your size and preferences:

  • 38mm & 42mm aluminum (Silver, Space Grey, and Gold)
  • 38mm & 42mm Nike+ (Silver and Space Grey aluminum with custom Sport bands)
  • 38mm & 42mm steel (Silver and Space Black steel)
  • 38mm & 42mm Edition (White and Grey Ceramic with Soft White/Pebble and Grey/Black Sport band)
  • 38mm Hermès (Marine Gala Leather Single Tour Eperon d’Or, Indigo Swift Leather Double Tour, Fauve Barenia Leather Double Tour)
  • 42mm Hermès (Noir Gala Leather Single Tour Rallye, Indigo Swift Leather Single Tour, Fauve Barenia Leather Single Tour, Ébène Barenia Leather Single Tour Deployment Buckle, Fauve Barenia Leather Single Tour Deployment Buckle)

So in conclusion, the Apple Series 3 Watch, is a great option for anyone who’s looking to make sure that their smartwatch experience goes well. It has amazing battery life, beautiful screen, and a great battery life to boot, allowing people to fully take advantage of the smartwatch experience.

The only thing that I did not like is the fact that the watch still looks somewhat like its predecessor, but that is a completely subjective aspect, and should not be an issue for everyone.

  • Gorgeous OLED display
  • Great battery life
  • Loaded with features
  • Plethora of fitness trackers
  • Long list of apps
  • Looks similar to the original Apple watch

Garmin Fenix 3 – the Best GPS

smartwatch Garmin Fenix 3
Garmin is a company that is known for their top of the line GPS technology that we have seen in so many different fields. So it was generally an exciting thing for me when I got the Garmin Fenix 3. One of company’s brilliant smartwatches. I can tell right away that this watch is amazing.

The Garmin Fenix 3 can easily be called the holy grail of smartwatches simply because it comes loaded with features that you would want from a high-end smart watch. It has a big, beautiful, and bright display. On top of that, you also get a hard wearing body.

In case you are not aware, the body can take some abuse and still hold up, thanks to Garmin’s choice of premium materials. The watch does come with the choice of a rubber band, or metal band. I have the one that has the metal band and I have to say, it is amazing.

The battery on the Garmin Fenix 3 is another one of its strong point. I charged the battery a week ago, and after a week of usage, I am still left with 50 percent left. This is by far the best battery timing I have seen on a smartwatch, and this does make the Garmin Fenix 3 my number one choice.

Another really impressive thing about the Fenix 3 is the amazing, over the top GPS tracking. Though this should not come as a surprise because of how good Garmin is in GPS technology. It is good to see the company reflecting its expertise into their products as well.

The watch is also water resistant up to 100 meters, easily beating the best of the best in the market in water resistant. You can take it to showers, swimming, diving, and it still will not give under the water pressure, or the depth. However, water type does depend as well.

The one thing I love is the fact that Garmin Fenix 3 is not trying to be a replacement of Apple Watch or Android Wear watches, it uses its own OS, its own app store, and still manages to hold its own identity. Not just that, it completely eliminates the competition that tries to come close.

Sure, I do have some issues with the watch like the fact that there is no activity tracker for golf unlike some other Garmin watches, and the watch does not support on-watch maps. Though these issues do not break the overall experience with the watch which is downright brilliant.

As a conclusion, I would only say that Garmin has done a fantastic job in creating a smartwatch that despite its unique identity, still manage to create a league of its own. Not just that, it will also serve as a benchmark for many more smartwatches to come in the market in the near future.

  • The best in class battery life
  • Premium construction
  • Loaded with features
  • The best GPS in a watch
  • Great display
  • Does not support on-watch maps
  • No golf activity tracker

KingWear KW88 – a Great Bargain

smartwatch KingWear KW88
The last watch on the list is rather unusual. That is because it is not from some high profile manufacturer, as a matter of fact, it is from a Chinese company called KingWear. I found the KingWear KW88 while doing a research on smartwatches and it intrigued me so much that I decided to examine.

I make sure there are no expectations whenever I’m reviewing a product, a lot like several of my readers. I was surprised when I realized that the watch is actually a lot better than I thought it would be. I can say that the KingWear KW88 is definitely the best smartwatch that can be purchased for under $100.

This is a very bold statement, but it is true. Aside from the weird features like a camera on the side, the rest of the watch is pretty standard. It does not run Android Wear, but a full-fledged, modified version of Android itself.

The overall operation is pretty smooth, and the watch does all the tasks you ask it to do. So, there no complaints whatsoever. It even has fitness trackers along with their respective apps that allow the user to properly keep a track of his or her activities.

It uses a 1.3 AMOLED screen, which basically means that you get saturated colours, great brightness, and amazing few angles. I cannot really create a fuss about the screen, especially not with the price tag this watch carries.

The watch also comes with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular options; and although many people will not be interested in making calls through this small watch, it is still good to see that company is trying to squeeze in a decent amount of features that the users want.

You also get 4 gigs of onboard storage coupled with a quad core MediaTek processor. Honestly, this is where the real problem starts. You see, smartwatches are never in need of such a high core count, or such powerful processors.

So, when you pair a processor that powerful with a smartwatch, you get issues such as battery life. Iw as hoping it does not happen, but it makes me sad to say that the battery life on the KingWear KW88 is absolutely terrible.

Another reason behind the terrible battery life is the fact that it has Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular radios in it, and even if these are not being used constantly, they are still going to need power. Ultimately taking a huge chunk of battery with them.

On full charge, the watch lasts about 8 hours on normal use, less if you are heavy user. Meaning that your watch will run out of battery way before your day is over. Sadly, no amount of software patches will be able to fix this issue.

At the end of the review, I would only like to say that for less than a 100 bucks, the KingWear KW88 is a pretty good bargain. So what if it lacks all the fancy features of the top smartwatches that I have reviewed so far. It is built for a specific use case and audience, and it does the job it is supposed to.

You are not required to spend an insane amount of money on a smartwatch if you can get the job done with something that costs the fraction of the money.

  • Good amount of features
  • Comes with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular data
  • Terrible battery life
  • No Android Wear
  • Pretty basic functions


For a traditionalist who loves expensive timepieces, reviewing smartwatches is not an easy thing. This was the first time I took them serious, and I am glad that I did. While the traditionalist in me will still choose a standard analogue watch over a smartwatch, I no longer feel like smartwatches are useless.

Simply put, smartwatches are made for people who actually want to use them. I realize that they are not here to replace your traditional analogue watches because they cannot do that. They are just here to provide a different experience to people who need them.

With that in mind, reviewing so many amazing smartwatches has been an absolute pleasure. It did not start as smooth as I thought it would do, with me running into confusion on multiple occasions. But after the hard work that went in testing all these amazing watches, and writing about them, I can say that I hope to test more in near future.

If you feel like I have missed an amazing smartwatch that should have been in the list, feel free to let me know so I can take a look at that again, and take it for spin. I no longer feel offended by smartwatches as I used to before I took up the review project.

List of Features You Should Look for in a Smartwatch

Although buying a smart watch is not a difficult task at all, it’s important for us to know that not all smartwatches are made equally. Some come with their own list of exclusive features that are otherwise missing on other smartwatches.

Not just that, different smartwatches use different operating system as well; for instance, Android Wear is the common OS found in smartwatches made by the likes of Huawei, LG, Asus, and Samsung, while the watchOS is for the Apple Watch.

There are several other features that are either there, or just missing from these watches mainly based on the price tag that they’re carrying. For anyone who is in the market for a new smart watch, all of this can be overwhelming, just like it was overwhelming for us the first time we decided to explore the market.

In order to know what the best smartwatches 2017 are, it is important to know what features that you should be in the smartwatch you are looking at. These features can also be considered gimmicks by people who don’t intend to use them, but they are generally very useful in one use case or another.

Option for Voice Commands

Voice commands have come a long way when it comes to the way they operate, gone are the days when voice commands resulted in hilarious interpretations, or not working altogether. Thanks to assistants like Siri and Google Assistant, voice commands are better than ever.

It is only natural to assume that these commands can be extremely useful when it comes to smartwatches. Especially when you want your smartwatch to open a text and read it to you, or give you some other contextual information from within the app.

Sure, not many people may want to use the feature for one reason or another, but it is always nice to have something like a voice command because it is ultimately going to help you make the most out of your situation.

Support for Media Playback

This feature may not be useful for everyone but I love having the ability to play music on my smartwatch while out running. The concept is pretty simple, most smartwatches nowadays have Wi-Fi or cellular data, which means that they can connect to the internet, and stream music if you want to.

Similarly, these smartwatches also come with NFC, or Bluetooth, allowing the users to be able to connect their wireless headphones without any issues. Both of these features combine to make a great listening experience for people who like to exercise out or in the gym, but don’t want to keep music on the phone.

Just keep in mind that not all smartwatches come with this feature. So, whatever smartwatch you choose, make sure that it does have the media playback option, as well as the support for Bluetooth headsets.

Array of Sensors

Another feature that you should definitely look for in a smartwatch is an array of different sensors. I am talking heartbeat sensors, and other similar sensors that can record vitals, or at least give you information that you can find useful.

For people who like to work out a lot, having a heartbeat sensor is great because it can give them information about beats per minute. There can be more sensors informing the person about the calories burned, steps taken, or the best workout regime it can come up with.

Simply put, sensors are really important in a smartwatch, and there is no way to look at it. Yes, you may have to pay a premium for the best possible sensors, but it is worth it.


Customization is something that I love, and I can speak for some of the other people that they do as well. It is only natural to want to have the ability to customize your smartwatch to some extent. I am not asking for features that will change the entire OS on my smartwatch.

However, customization such as the ability to change watch faces, or be able to use 3rd party watch faces that are created by talented developers and designers is something important. You cannot expect a person to stay with the standard watch face for the entirety of his/her time with the watch.

The more customization there is, the happier the user is going to be, even if it is on just software level. However, you should know that when it comes to smartwatches, the customization is not just limited to the software level.

Just like you put a case or a skin on a smartphone to change its appearance to an extent, you change the straps on the smartphone to make it look different, and be more comfortable. Although you get choice between rubber, leather, or steel strap, the good thing is that there are multiple color options.

If you are buying a smartwatch, make sure it has the feature to change straps, allowing you to truly customize your watch the way you want it. This is not considered a feature, but something many people think is essential in a smartwatch.

Fitness Tracking

If you are not buying a smartwatch that is only made for fitness tracking, at least buy one that has the fitness trackers built into it. There are several watches from companies like Garmin that come with some amazing fitness tracking capabilities.

Yes, you do pay a premium for these trackers, but the good thing is that if you think you work out enough to keep a track on all your activities, and make sure that you are on the right track, having a watch with fitness tracker is a must.

If you are wondering, Garmin’s Fenix 3 is a great watch and has a lot of fitness trackers. Similarly, high profile companies like Samsung and Apple are also really inclined towards adding fitness trackers that can help make the overall job a lot simpler and easier.

After users lose files Microsoft cancels large Windows 10 update

Although Windows updates are notorious for forcing a reboot when you need your computer most, the latest upgrade was set to bring a host of new features that promise to be useful.

But once files started disappearing on various users after the October update, Microsoft promptly cancelled the rollout.

Your computer may have already downloaded the update, however. If so, you’re advised to wait before allowing the installation. If you are among the unlucky users to have lost files, the company says you should get in touch through Microsoft Support.

Once Microsoft has dealt with the problem, users can look forward to a range of new functions, including smartphone and to-do app integration. Here are four of the biggest changes.

Smartphone connection: After installing the new app “Your Smartphone”, users can access a connected Android smartphone directly from a PC. This means you can, for example, drag and drop photos from the phone into an Office document or read SMS messages on the PC. The app requires Android 7.0 or higher.

Smartphone timeline: This feature allows users to see what files and programs they have accessed in the past seven days. Users can also see this information on their iPhone or Android smartphone, provided they are logged in with their Microsoft account.

To-do integration: The To Do app for task reminders now integrates better with Outlook and Skype. For example, users can drag a task from To Do into the Outlook calendar or drag emails from Outlook into To Do. Users can also edit tasks directly in Skype.

Improved pen input: There are several Windows 10 devices that can be used with a pen. Microsoft has now improved pen input by using AI to automatically transform sketches into slides, flow charts or diagrams. New pen gestures have also been added.

Even after this problem is solved, however, you’re best advised to back up any data before letting Microsoft make changes to the system.

Captain Marvel’s Triumphant First Trailer Aims for the Stars

It’s nearly four years to the day since Marvel announced Captain Marvel was going to be part of its Cinematic Universe. Since we’ve waited, civil wars have been fought, Thanos has come and culled half of existence, and little by little we’ve had teases of her arrival. And now we finally have our first look at her in action.

As unveiled by Carol Danvers herself, Brie Larson, on Good Morning America today, Marvel has released the very first footage from Captain Marvel, marking the first Marvel Studios film with a female lead since the company’s cinematic initiative began with Iron Man over 10 years ago. Set primarily in the ‘90s, Captain Marvel sees Carol Danvers catapulted to the stars as she wrestles sharing a heritage between humanity and the alien race known as the Kree, granting her unthinkable power.

The trailer gives us great looks at not just Carol—in both the Kree-themed variation on her superhero suit and the more familiar red and blue get up she wears in the comics—but Hala, the homeworld of the Kree Empire (and Carol’s allies, the Starforce), and the threat she’ll be facing: The Skrulls, the shapeshifting race of Marvel aliens that have had a long and infamous history with the Kree in the comics. Here’s a new poster as well, featuring Carol in her red and blue suit:

Higher. Further. Faster.     Photo: Marvel Studios

Captain Marvel, which also stars Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Gemma Chan, Lashana Lynch, Lee Pace, Jude Law, Djimon Hounsou, Ben Mendelsohn, and Annette Bening, soars into theaters March 8, 2019.