5 Mistakes for Wearing Face Masks


5 Mistakes for Wearing COVID-19 Face Masks

Experts have talked about which type of face mask you should wear, as well as the types of materials you should use for homemade masks. Now, let’s talk about how to wear your mask properly below.

5 Mistakes for  Face Masks:

Mistake 1: Your mask only covers your mouth.
Do not wear your face mask so low that it only covers your mouth. If you do not cover your nose as well then you risk contamination from the mask itself.

Mistake 2: Your mask comes into contact with other parts of your body.
If the COVID-19 gets on your clothes and your mask touches that area, then your mask will become contaminated as well. When you’re not wearing your mask, do not allow it to rest on your neck. In addition, when you remove your mask, do not touch the front of it, and instead remove it by holding the ear loops or ties.

Mistake 3: Your mask hangs too loosely on your face.
While N95 respirators closely fit the face, surgical or homemade masks may have loose gaps on the sides. You want to create a barrier with your mask that blocks out as much air as possible. Make sure to tighten the gaps with the straps. In addition, beards may prevent masks from properly fitting the face.

Mistake 4: Your mask only covers the tip of your nose.
Similarly to mistake 1, this mistake concerns masks that only cover the tip of your nose. Make sure that your mask starts at the bridge of your nose, not the end of it. Doing this will help create a proper seal with your mask.

Mistake 5: You don’t properly clean your mask.
If your mask is reusable, you need to make sure that you clean it properly after each use. The CDC recommends washing your homemade fabric masks in the washing machine. N95 masks can be steamed over a pot of boiling water for 10 minutes, however let them dry before reusing.